I'm incredibly humbled and honored that TRACKER220 was selected as a runner up in the YA category for the Indie Author Project Awards. There were over 2000 entries across 7 categories and they chose my little book to recognize!
I'm struggling to find the words of appreciation but here's me taking a shot...This book has meant so much to me as my first published book that I self published (and if I'm being honest was afraid to admit at times because there is still a stigma that self published books are just not as good as traditionally published ones which is absolutely NOT true). It was definitely a journey and a learning experience along the way. There are so many people that were part of my Jedi knights that helped this young writing Padawan progress into an author Jedi master. And while I knew this book was something special all along, it's nice to have it recognized in such a HUGE way.
When I set out to write this book in 2012 I had no idea how much it would tell me about myself, how I identify as a Jew, and the things I've questioned when it comes to the cross over between faith and technology. And I certainly could never have predicted that it would end up paralleling so many big world events and be an inadvertent commentary of the things happening. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to every person who has supported this book in big and small ways. It has meant so much to me!
Thank you again to Indie Author Project and my publishing coop Snowy Wings Publishing.
Indie Author Project strives to connect authors, librarians, and readers. You can read more about the Indie Author Project Awards and all those recognized here.
Rocket Science by Day, Writing by Night
Sunday, January 19, 2025
TRACKER220 Runner Up in Indie Author Project's YA category
Sunday, September 10, 2023
And The Tracker Sequence Book 2 Title is...
If you're a newsletter subscriber you already know the title to book 2 in The Tracker Sequence but if not, what are you waiting for? Sign up here and you'll be the first to know all my exciting news.
And now without further ado...
The title to book 2 in The Tracker Sequence is...
That's right, book 2 is called Authority! If you haven't already added it to your Goodreads to read list you can find it here.
I'm so excited to finally share the title (and stop referring to it as Book 2). The title Authority has many meanings in the sequel, some you may be able to guess if you've read Tracker220 and others that will likely be a surprise as you read the sequel.
But I'm not going to spoil any of the surprises yet. Stay tuned, as there's lots more fun reveals as I share more details about Authority!
Saturday, August 12, 2023
Guess the Title of Book 2 in the Tracker Sequence
Next month I'll be revealing the title to book 2 in the Tracker Sequence, the sequel to TRACKER220. In the meantime, you have the opportunity to guess the title. And just by submitting a guess you'll be entered for a chance to win a copy of TRACKER220.
In case you missed my newsletter, here's some clues:
- The title is one word.
- The title is connected to the first book.
- The title starts with the letter A.
- The title is 9 letters long
- I've had the title picked out since I knew there was going to be a sequel
Ok I cheated on that last one. It's more of a fun fact than a clue. I was fairly certain there would be a sequel before I finished writing TRACKER220 and when I knew there was enough material for a sequel, I had the title picked out almost instantly. So, YES, I've been sitting on the sequel news for a while, but I wanted to get it written to make sure I could finish it. #SorryNotSorry
Now that you have some clues, go submit your guess. You don't have to be right to win BUT if you guess right I'll throw in one of the first early copies of the sequel when it's done. With stakes that high you should go enter now!
Then check out my newsletter next month to find out what the title is. And if you aren't subscribed, now is the perfect time. Then you'll be one of the first to know!
Friday, February 10, 2023
First off, hi everyone. Sorry this space has been so badly neglected. The reason for that? Almost all of my updates have been on social media and in my monthly newsletter. If you're not already signed up for my newsletter you can do that by filling out the form on the right side of the blog or by visiting this link. (Make sure to confirm your subscription). It's filled with all kinds of things like what I'm up to currently, what I'm reading, book deals and giveaways, and the latest Rocket Science news.
And if you are subscribed to my newsletter then you got an early peak at my BIG EXCITING news. But if you didn't see the newsletter, don't fret. I'm going to tell you the BIG news right now. But also make sure to check out my most recent newsletter because there's even more exclusive content that won't be on the blog.
So without further ado... Here's a hint... At the end of December I finished a REALLY awesome YA Sci Fi project that I've been keeping a secret for a LONG time. In completing that manuscript, I got to type some of my favorite words...
Ok ok, that picture is more than just the words THE END. It's ACTUALLY a clue to my big secret.
Did you pick up on the clue? Do you recognize that font?
Maybe this will help...
So what's the news you ask?
Well, if you guessed it's related to Tracker220 you'd be right!
But I'll let this picture speak for itself...
You read that right!
I wrote a sequel to Tracker220!!!
I'm sure you have tons and TONS of questions about it and I hope to answer some of them over the course of 2023.
For now I will say, it takes place six months after the events of Tracker220 and all your favorite characters will be there along for the ride.
Stay tuned as there's lots more to come including a title reveal, cover reveal, plot details, release date, and so much more!
I can't wait to tell you all about it!
And if you want to be the first to know all the specifics, subscribe to my newsletter. (hint hint)
And if you're super excited, you can add it the new tracker sequel to your goodreads to read list.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
BOWS 2021 - Making the Tracker220 Cover
Welcome to the first ever Book Owl Word Search (#BOWS2021). BOWS is a fun interactive web search where you get to learn about amazing authors and their books and you collect secret words so you can win cool prizes like books from the participating authors. I'm on the BLUE team. Check out all my teammates below. If you collect my secret word and all of theirs you can enter to win something from every author on the team. Then check out the Purple and Orange teams as well for a chance to win equally amazing prizes from them. For more information on how to play visit the BOWS website.
And without further ado, I've got a really cool post for you, one that you voted for in a twitter poll. I'm going to walk through how I worked with my amazing cover artist, Jennifer Stolzer (she's also a writer so check out her awesome books too) to get to the amazing final product you can see here.
There's so many things I love about the cover and I'll walk you through how I got to this final product. I started with the main premise for the book, a world where everyone has tracking chips in their heads and the main character is 16-year-old Kaya Weiss. I knew I wanted something to show brain activity or neurons as well as the silhouette of a teenage girl. I knew this because when I was writing Tracker220, I often listened to music when I was in coffee shops. And on my ipod, the song superheroes popped up and I happened to glance at the screen and noticed the album cover and thought hmmm something along the lines of this would be cool for a cover for this book. Of course at the time I had no idea if Tracker220 would ever get published.
Now you'll notice some pretty stark differences between this album cover and my book cover. But there's also some similar themes and what really spoke to me was the neural networks within the silhouettes.
Fast forward many years later and I wanted to post my story on Swoon Reads to get some feedback, but I needed a cover image. Now I'm no artist, the best I can do is epic stick figures. The Swoon Reads site however suggested using stock images, so I went hunting for something that felt like my book. I have no idea what I searched exactly but this image popped up and I instantly knew it was the one.
It had all the right feel to it, so I slapped on some fun fonts and called it a cover. A couple years later when I finally decided to indie publish Tracker220, I knew I had to go back to this image. It just felt right. So I sent it off to Jennifer with some incoherent babbling about a neural network, a tracking chip, and a Jewish star necklace because the main character is Jewish and the way she interacts with the tracking technology causes her to question her Jewish identity. I wanted to represent the effects of the tracker network (yes, you guessed it, my secret word is TRACKER!). Jennifer told me to go find a font and so I did and then a short while after she came back with this rough image.
I was instantly excited. It had so much potential already. And she already took my crazy talk and knew exactly what I was looking for. I told her as much, so she went to work smoothing it out. But before she got to far another image came, with a what do you think of this?
Again super rough, but she came up with the back cover stuff all with what I had given her previously. The next thing I knew she was sending me other images as she smoothed things out and moved things around and before I knew it, the Tracker220 cover was the amazing thing that now wraps around my words. And to this day I can't thank Jennifer enough for taking my fragmented ideas and turning it into a masterpiece.
And now for some more fun. A chance to win some books. I'm giving a way a signed copy of Tracker220, plus signed copies of the Brave New Girls Anthologies volumes 2 & 3 that feature stories with girls who have a knack for STEM (including two of my short stories). Sound like a cool prize? Go fill out the rafflecopter to enter.
Then hop on over to my friend Meredith Tate's site to learn about her awesome books and find her secret word.
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Tracker220 is going to the Moon!
You read that right. Tracker220 is going to the moon! My book was selected to be part of the Writers on the Moon project headed up by author and Rocket Scientist Susan Kaye Quinn. Tracker220 is part of a 125 other independent author's content that will be loaded onto a SD card and included in the payload of an Astrobotics lunar lander. The mission is set to launch in July 2021 and will become a time capsule that will remain on the moon to be found at a later date.
And for fun, I also included my two short stories Arch Nemesis and Pyramid Scheme and associated cover art by Jennifer Stolzer from the Brave New Girls Anthologies. If you haven't checked those out, run don't walk. It's a series of multiple anthologies with shorts stories that feature female characters with a knack for STEM. AND all the proceeds from the book go to the Society of Women Engineers Scholarship Fund.
As a rocket scientist, the Writers on the Moon Time Capsule is something right up my alley and combines my love of writing with my career in aerospace engineering. I'm so incredibly excited to be involved in this project.
Be sure to keep an eye out for the upcoming manifest of all the included books.
You can follow along with the journey at the Writers on the Moon website.
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Tracker220 First Chapter!
Today is a special day. First, it's my five year wedding anniversary. And while that's an important day for me and my husband (yeah we've lasted five years, have a two year old, and have survived a pandemic without killing each other), I'm sure you came to this blog for other book related reasons.
I can't hardly believe it, but TRACKER220 will be out in the world in 10 days! TEN! That's all and then the world will be reading my book baby. I'm so excited for the world to dive into this story.
And even though it's my anniversary, I have a gift for all of you. Five years is typically the gift of wood, but you know what's made of trees and you know what also comes from trees? Paper. And what's printed on paper? Books... And... oh where was I going with this?
Oh yes, books. So here's your surprise. Tracker220 might not come out for ten more days but you can read the first chapter, in it's entirety right now. Check it out!
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Preorder Tracker220
That's it. It's that simple. Buy the book, fill out the form, and you get free stuff including bookmarks, a signed bookplate and more!